Thursday, June 4, 2009


"The new dwp(the devil wears prada)album is coming out firday may 5th.One of thier new full length songs is called Dez Moines.also on april 25th they will be putting a new song up on thier myspace page called, "Sassafras".i chose them as something new because their a great band.thier songs are kinda hard for some people to understand them because thier classifyed as screamo,but honeslty their amazinggg!

#19 quote

"be the change"-stephanie
"some times you neeeed to be selfish in order to be happy"

#18 marine bio project

"1.cover page
2.table of contents paragraphs
4.3 pictures of fish then para. disection
6.shark disection
7.clam disection
8.frog disecton

i had to do a bigggg project for my science class.-stephanie

#17 another english quote.

"dont change yourself for anyone,the ones you love will accept you for who you are and what you look like and what you belive in"-stephanieee

#16 quote for english class

"dont let others affect in what you belive is right "-stephanie

#15 science class

something i had to write in class about how i use science in my life everyday.
"people dont notice but they use science in thier daily lifes in so many ways or they use something doing with science,like when you cook.your mixing chemicals basically,and then
you use scientific things such as comon house hold objects."

#14 english class

"chinchillas!(=hah,i love chinchillas,theirs seriously the cutes thing ever.hmm,i'm pretty sure this is kinda a new born,and to me im thinking it looks hungry -___- maybe it sees something it likes or some food at the other side of his cage.i think also maybe someone had walked into the room at the time and he was startled."

i had to right about something i liked as a journal.