Thursday, June 4, 2009

#9 another senior interview

" Today I had the pleasure of interviewing Stephanie Cam. She is graduating this year and she is absolutely thrilled. Stephanie doesn’t intend on going to a specific college, she prefers to stay close to home and by the beach. I made sure to ask Stephanie about what she would like to major in, She said “as of right now I’m undecided. Stephanie applied to schools such as UCF, FAU, FGCU, UNF, and USF. Her favorite high school memory was when she started in ninth grade, when high school was a brand new experience and she had the chance to meet new people and learn new things.
I made sure to ask her how she felt towards leaving high school and she said “I’m more than anxious to leave. After four years it’s definitely my time to leave”. Stephanie believes that college would be a great learning experience, and she is looking forward to only having two days of school instead of five days of school a week.
I have to say my favorite question to ask Stephanie was if she was planning on joining any sororities and she said “she can only deal with so much estrogen in one house. Steph plans on living in an apartment but not to live on her own because of the decline in the economy. She believes that if her friends would like to keep in touch with her than she will definitely make an effort. Apparently Stephanie said that she can honestly say that there aren’t a lot of things about high school that she will miss, But one thing that she will miss are the teachers that have helped her so much through out the years. I must say so myself that it was a great pleasure interviewing Stephanie Cam. I do wish her the best on her new life in college."

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