Thursday, June 4, 2009

#8 senior interview.

"Senior Interview – Wesley Ilteus
When I spoke with Wesley I found out that this senior has a great set of dreams and has a plan to get what he wants. College is his number one goal at the moment and getting accepted to FAU will be his dream come true. He believes that there will be no such thing as not going to college; he knows he’s going to make it. He isn’t the typical guy ether he doesn’t aspect to have a full scholarship to help him through school; he knows that he will need to search for financial aid, dig for those scholarships and reason with his parents for what ever wouldn’t covered. Also unlike many kids he wants to stay home he doesn’t feel ready to leave home just yet. He is looking forward to studying commutations since he wants to become a journalist, and when ask why his answer took me a little bit by surprise, he said that he loves to write and that he believes that he is a very good looking person. When asked if he felt that he was inspired by a teacher he jokingly answer no, I think that the teachers here don’t like me very much. His favorite memory at this school was his first day of freshmen year, being late and getting lost around campus that was so big and unfamiliar to him, looking back he feels a little silly that he didn’t know where he was going. In his following year he had his first “high school sweetheart” it was his first real relationship and he still cares for her to this day, they remain as friends at the moment. He also said that being a senior he has the chance to look back at his first three years and see that he has been able to come such a long way, he is quite proud of himself for doing so. Knowing that in this coming up May will be one of his last days here he said that it’s going to be way different not coming here in the following school year, he is going to miss everything and everyone from this school

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